

The body of any living organism is composed of bones and muscles. It the bones which characterize the size and shape of the body structure. Speaking of the human body, it is composed of 206 bones. Teeth are the only type of bones which is visible to the naked eye. It is the teeth which help a person to tear,...

Stainless steel crowns are the metal caps to repair the decayed baby tooth and to prevent further damage to the tooth. Dental professional mostly use metal caps only for the primary baby tooth. These stainless steel crowns are made to fit exactly on the gap according to the shape and size of the child's molar. Generally, these caps are used...

A dental crown is generally a cap that surrounds the tooth. Many dentists recommend a crown for the children who have damaged their teeth. The dental crowns are experts in giving beautiful smiles. There are many types of materials used in making crowns. The materials are of three types of metals, metals with ceramic, and ceramic. The location of...

Teeth, it is one of the important parts of a human body and is allocated with a very important function to play throughout one's life. Apart from giving a good look it has a significant role to play in the speaking ability of the kid. It is necessary to give due care to the sensitive part of the body...

Pediatric crowns usually find their application in dentistry when a bacteria infects a tooth or for a person suffering from dental caries. Children of age below 10 are often suspects of the disease. The crowns are of different types of materials including steel, plastic, or any other metal. The crowns also use porcelain for manufacturing. The...

The dental market today is filled with many variety of EstheticCrowns and the option to choose from is quite wide open. Depending on the clinical consideration their advantages and disadvantages are decided. In case of decayed teeth or mutilated teeth the assistance of the crowns are sort. Almost all dental clinics produce their own Pediatric...

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