All about stainless steel crown


Stainless steel crowns are the metal caps to repair the decayed baby tooth and to prevent further damage to the tooth. Dental professional mostly use metal caps only for the primary baby tooth. These stainless steel crowns are made to fit exactly on the gap according to the shape and size of the child's molar. Generally, these caps are used to cap the teeth with large and deep cavity problems.

Why to use stainless steel crowns?

Earlier people used gold or silver caps to cover the decayed tooth, but now stainless steel crowns are used as an alternative solution instead of silver and other tooth-colored fillings. These are really strong metal caps that cover the entire tooth without being hard to cause any damage. These crowns have a smooth surface with the polished finishing, making it easy to clean and last longer. Although, stainless steel crowns are very much cost-efficient and are very easier to maintain. The low cost ssc have the tendency to hold the shape of the tooth exactly as they are, by providing convenience to use them for children.

Advantages of stainless steel crowns:

  • Stainless steel crown offers an alternative to remove a decayed molar
  • It keeps the space in child's mouth for permanent teeth
  • It comes out easily and naturally when a baby gets permanent teeth
  • These crowns are made of safe metals
  • Similar to the regular filling procedure, stainless steel crowns can be easily placed on the baby's molar

How to take care of the crown after it is placed?

After the crown has been placed on the child's molar, it should be properly taken care unless it sets on the tooth. The child should be careful while biting the food, so that they do not bite their lips and cheeks. It creates difficulty in biting for the first few days after the crown is placed but later it will become habitual. The gums of the child are very sensitive and might become blue due to the color of the metal under the gum tissue, which is not something to be worried about. Make sure your child brush teeth regularly and ensure to make them brush twice a day. Even the gums start bleeding lightly, regular oral health care should not be stopped. Avoid giving your child sticky food, which tends to remove the crown from its place.

A stainless steel crown will protect the child's tooth on which it is placed, but it can't resist the damage of the other teeth. Thus, regular oral health care is very important even if the child wears a dental crown. Parents play an important role in maintaining their child's oral health, so you should help your child to maintain a healthy oral care by providing them nutritious food with low sugar content in it. Ensure they brush their teeth twice a day regularly. Take them for a regular visit to the dental professional to know the condition of their oral health.

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