The best pediatric dental crowns and bridges for your kiddies
A dental crown is generally a cap that surrounds
the tooth. Many dentists recommend a crown for the children who have
damaged their teeth. The dental crowns are experts in giving beautiful smiles.
There are many types of materials used in making crowns. The materials are of
three types of metals, metals with
ceramic, and ceramic. The location of the crown decides the option of the
material. People usually use ceramic-based crowns in their front teeth because
they are the first to appear. The synthetic
pediatric crowns are the best because they have the natural color of the
What is a dental bridge?
If the tooth is missing in the jawline of your children then the dental bridge is the best ailment. The new tooth is in the form of two crowns and uses the porcelain which resembles the natural color of the teeth. If a tooth is missing between two healthy teeth. The crown covers the two teeth are abutments. The abutment teeth now support the third teeth which replace the missing tooth. The third new tooth is poetic.
The number of abutment teeth depends on the number of missing teeth. For example, if a person has 3 teeth missing then the number of the abutment teeth will be 4 hence it will make seven teeth bridge.
What is the whitening procedure?
The dental crown which your dentist is going to
implant in your child's mouth should undergo the whitening procedure. This is
necessary because during the manufacturing of a dental crown the laboratories
use bleaching and resistant materials. This can change the color of the dental
crown over time. But when the dental crown once has undergone the whitening procedure then the color change is not a
What process does the installation process work?
When you want to install a dental crown for your child it is better to go with an experienced cosmetic dentist. If you want the process to look natural then a dentist with proper skills is eligible.
The first step involved in the procedure is the making room for the new crown. The dentist in order to create room for new crown removes the portion of enamel. The dentist also ensures that removing the enamel does not affect the place of other teeth.
Once the dentist is done with the procedure he/she cleans the teeth and places temporary teeth with the help of removable glue. The temporary crown will work for a minimum of two weeks or until the permanent crown is ready in the lab.
During the temporary crown period, the parents have to be too careful as they can come out of their child's mouth. They need to monitor the food and brush routine of their children.
Does the procedure is painful?
The procedure may give some pain to your kid. It
is better than roaming without a teeth. Though the dentist numbs the gum
line during the procedure still small pain is to occur for two days. But after the procedure,
your child can have all his favorite food and dishes.